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Sun Safety at Sky Lake

Sky Lake is pleased to announce that we now have an official sun safety policy that will help us all more safely enjoy time in the great outdoors. We are grateful for the guidance provided by the Cancer Prevention in Action (CPiA) Team through the Broome County Health Department in creating and implementing this important policy.

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation in sunlight causes nearly all skin cancer cases. The risk for skin cancer can be greatly reduced when certain precautions are practiced. Therefore, Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center is committed to promoting sun safe practices to visitors and staff and will implement the following sun safety policy:

  • Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center will promote basic personal strategies for preventing skin cancer for visitors:
    • Apply full spectrum (UVA & UVB) sunscreen (SPF 15 or greater) to exposed skin 30 minutes before going outside in the sun.
    • Rest in shaded areas, when practical
    • Seek shade when outside in the sun
  • If appropriate, Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center will make sun protective items such as hats, sunglasses, long-sleeved shirts, sunscreen, and lip balm with SPF available by providing and selling items to visitors to encourage them to practice sun safety while participating in outdoor recreational activities. When this is not possible, Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center will encourage visitors to bring these items of their own by including them on packing lists.
  • Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center will consider the availability of shade for visitors when planning outdoor activities and events on-site.
  • Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center will make shade available and encourage its use by visitors in high-use recreation areas whenever possible.
  • Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center will make sunscreen available during the summer camp season. Dispensers will be installed at dining halls, waterfronts, and craft lodges to encourage application the half hour before time in the sun.  Family group first aid kits will also include sunscreen.
  • Visitors will be encouraged and reminded to practice basic personal strategies for preventing skin cancer though on-site communications (e.g., verbal reminders, signage, brochures, etc.) at strategic locations.
  • Staff and campers will be encouraged to wear sun-protective clothing and equipment, when outside, that includes:
    • A hat with a wide brim that protects the face, neck, and ears
    • Sun-protective clothing (ex. Tightly woven, full length) when temperatures are reasonable
    • Child-safe, age-appropriate, shatter resistant sunglasses with 100% UV protection
    • When enrolling your camper, we ask that you provide a wide-brimmed hat that covers the face, neck, and ears and sunglasses.
  • Staff and campers will be encouraged to
    • apply sunscreen (with at least SPF 15) before going outside.
    • apply sunscreen to all exposed areas of the skin and rubbed in well 30 minutes before exposure and every two hours while in the sun.
    • apply to the face (avoiding the eye area), nose, ears, feet and hands
    • discontinue use and notify the health care provider immediately if the skin is broken or an allergic reaction is observed
  • Seasonal staff will be oriented to this policy at time of hire or staff training.
  • Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center and/or the Broome CPiA team will train staff on sun safety guidelines and proper sunscreen application.
    • Staff will consider shade when planning outdoor activities.
    • Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center will provide sufficient areas of shade on the outdoor play area and encourage campers to seek shaded areas for outdoor activities.
    • Staff will remind and encourage campers to use available shade during outdoor activities.
    • Staff will monitor the heat index and schedule outdoor activities accordingly. Staff and campers will be watched carefully for heat-related illnesses.
    • Staff will take precautions with sun exposure between 10 AM and 4 PM, when UV radiation is strongest. The availability of shade will be considered when planning excursions and outdoor activities during these times.
  • The sun safety policy will be reinforced in positive ways by staff (through parent newsletters, staff memos, bulletin boards and meetings).
  • Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center will continue to use the CPiA team and Broome County Health Department for training and guidance on the topic of sun safety.
  • When enrolling their camper at Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center, parents/guardians/caregivers will:
    • Receive a copy of Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center’s Sun Safety Policy
    • Be asked to provide a suitable hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen (broad spectrum, water-resistant, SPF 15 or higher) for their camper’s use when outdoors
    • Be required to complete and sign a parent/guardian’s permission to apply sunscreen.
    • Be provided with educational materials and resources on sun safety practices.
    • Be encouraged to model sun safe behaviors themselves and consider practicing these guidelines with campers when not at Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center.

For additional information on sun safety, we encourage you to visit:

Download a PDF of the Sun Safety Flyer

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