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Special Needs Camps 2022

It was great to see so many campers in 2021, but we’re looking forward to welcoming even more campers in 2022! We are once again devoting the first three weeks of our Summer 2022 season exclusively to our Special Needs programs to further reduce the risk of potential transmission of Covid-19.  While our year-round staff is fully vaccinated and we continue to amass quite the collection of masks, we simply do not yet know what guidelines the CDC and New York State Department of Health will have for camp. We will pass that information along as soon as we receive it.

As a parent, guardian, social/case worker, advocate, or house manager of one of our special needs campers, we think you’ll agree with us that making sure they are well cared for is of utmost importance (even when there isn’t a pandemic.) If the possibility of being required to wear a mask or being vaccinated is a little too daunting for your camper in 2022, we will also be offering opportunities for group homes and families to come on retreat in June and August, as well as this autumn. This might be a great alternative to consider (we’ll be releasing details on these opportunities soon.)

Out of our desire to provide an unparalleled camping program for persons with special needs we made the transition several years ago to an application process rather than allowing direct registration. While we would love to accept everyone who applies, we recognize our limitations—the volunteer deans of each session of camp have years of experience of working with individuals with special needs, however most of our other camp staff tend to be college-age and have less specialized experience in this field. The application process helps us better determine camper eligibility and placement. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in making our camp even better!

Download the application for the 2022 Sessions of Special Needs Camps at Sky Lake. Please read through the application carefully. Once it is complete, you may either mail a physical copy directly to Sky Lake, or scan it and email it to: If there have been any major changes to the applicant’s ISP (Individualized Service Plan), IEP (Individualized Educational Program), or IPOP (Individual Protective Oversight Plan since the last summer your camper was here, please mail or email those changes with the application. Otherwise, we will be in touch if we need any additional information on the camper this year.


There are a few things for Summer 2022 that we want you to be aware of:

  • Our placement process will be done on a twice-monthly basis (rather than monthly.) Applications will be reviewed on the second or fourth Wednesdays until all spots are filled. Applications received after 9:00am on those particular Wednesdays will be held for the following round. Decisions will be mailed on Thursdays. If placed, a $75 deposit will be required within 21 days of the decision being sent. Remember that the application process itself is free;
  • Our special needs sessions will begin on Monday mornings this summer. Campers will be assigned a designated check-in time between 10:00am and Noon;
  • Once check-in is complete, outside visitors will not be allowed unless arrangements have been made at least one week prior. Such visitors will be required to wear masks which fully cover their mouth and nose at all times and adhere to safe social distancing protocols.

Please note that even though we have more spaces than last year, space is still limited so apply soon! And keep in mind that campers do not need to be United Methodist to attend Sky Lake—we welcome special needs campers from a wide array of faith traditions each summer.

Special Needs Programs Flyer 2022


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