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Passes Available

The sacred grounds of Sky Lake were closed for hiking and fishing for most of the spring, but that changed in June.

To ensure everyone’s safety, we will be limiting hiking and fishing to designated times each day and advanced registration for a FREE two-hour pass will be required. Masks will also be required. For our friends in high-risk health categories, you’ll be happy to know that we are designating at least one day each week for you to come to enjoy some hiking and fishing without having to worry about encountering anyone else.

Don’t worry, we do plan on continuing our virtual hikes. You can catch those live at every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:00pm Eastern.

Reserve your passes for the entire month of April at

Reserve your passes for the entire month of May at

The link for passes for June will be posted here in late May

Social Distancing Guidelines for Passholders

  • Each hiking and fishing pass is limited to one cohabitating household OR two adults from different households
  • Each member of a cohabitating household on a pass must carry a face mask with them at all times and must put the face mask on when encountering other pass holders
  • Adults from different households on the same pass must WEAR a face mask at all times
  • Keep a minimum of 6-feet distance from all others not on your pass (including members of staff, other hikers, and other fishers)

Pass holders must agree to abide by the following guidelines:

  • I understand that hiking and fishing at Sky Lake are at my own risk and that members of staff may not be available to me while I am on site
  • I understand that I will be responsible for my own actions and those of the individuals on my pass
  • I understand that anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times
  • I understand that I am responsible for checking the weather forecast before I come hiking or fishing; and further understand that hiking and fishing are not allowed when thunder and lighting are present in the area
  • I understand that a New York State fishing license is required to fish in Sky Lake
  • I understand that fishing is not allowed in either the East Shore or West Shore Waterfronts
  • I will stick to established hiking trails
  • I understand that swimming and boating are not currently allowed at Sky Lake and I will stay out of the lake
  • I understand that bathroom facilities are not available at this time
  • I understand that parking is limited to designated areas by Founders’ Lodge
  • I understand that I am required to sign-in/-out on the South Porch of Founders’ Lodge
  • I understand that my hiking/fishing pass is good for a maximum of two hours from the time I signed up for (e.g., a 9:15 AM pass is valid for 9:15 AM – 11:15 AM)
  • I understand that alcohol and illicit drugs are not allowed at Sky Lake; and that smoking is discouraged, but allowed by my own vehicle
  • I understand that dogs are welcome, but must be on a leash at all times and that I am responsible for cleaning up after my dog

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