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Introducing the Sky Lake Foundation

One of the big ideas that sprang forth as Sky Lake and our sibling sites of Upper New York Camp and Retreat Ministries emerged from the pandemic, was the value of establishing a charitable foundation for each site. Such foundations make raising funds and grants for the sites easier while maintaining operations under the conference. The groundwork to bring this idea to fruition began in late-2021. Each foundation is currently in various stages of assuming stewardship responsibilities for the donations given to the individual site.

We are excited to launch Sky Lake’s 77th Anniversary Month by announcing that today, April 1, 2024, Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center Foundation, Inc. has officially begun to live out its mission: to ensure that Sky Lake remains financially healthy for generations to come by raising awareness and funds. The Sky Lake Foundation has received official designation from the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, meaning all donations are tax deductible.

Throughout the month of April, watch for various ways that you can celebrate the history of Sky Lake and the launch of the new Foundation!

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