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Sustainable Forest of Giving

Sustainable Forest of Giving

Become a member today!
The words "Sustainable Forest of Giving" and Sky Lake Foundation Logo atop drone footage of sunrise over Sky Lake in early winter.


Celebrating Sky Lake by Sustaining its Future

It takes financial resources beyond the fees paid by campers and retreat guests, to provide the life-transforming work that many of us have experienced at Sky Lake at some point since its founding in 1947. 

Your recurring, monthly contribution to the Sky Lake Annual Fund helps defray the costs associated with operating our camp and retreat center: electricity, propane, hospitality supplies, program equipment, tractor fuel, and more. In other words, the parts of the center that are not apt to be the most photogenic, but without which our mission could not thrive.

Inspired by the diversity of trees found in the forested areas of Sky Lake, the levels of the Sustainable Forest of Giving are intended to reflect the need for a diversity of gifts to sustain the mission.

Sustainable Forest of Giving Levels

Inspired by the diversity of trees found in the forests of Sky Lake, the various levels of giving by our monthly donors (collectively known as the Sustainable Forest of Givers) reflect the need for a diversity of gifts to sustain the mission.

While the levels below do not directly cover the examples given, each individual level does essentially equate to the examples :

  • Black Cherry ($250/month)—a Sky Lake t-shirt for each summer camper to tie-dye and wear home
  • Sugar Maple ($100/month)—salt and sand to keep roads, driveways, and walkways passable in the winter
  • Red Oak ($50/month)—new blades and annual service on the zero-turn mower
  • White Pine ($25/month)—supplies to make lots of s’mores during the summer
  • Hemlock ($19.47/month)—group photos for each camper to take home and remember their time at Sky Lake

Your gifts to Sky Lake via the Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center Foundation, Incorporated (d/b/a Sky Lake Foundation) are tax deductible and will help ensure generations to come will be able to experience the wonder of Sky Lake!


Sky Lake Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 87-4097025. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.